Sunday, May 17, 2015

Thriving this Summer

Too many times I hear, "how am I going to survive this summer with all my kids" and I have even caught myself saying it in the mix of little boy mischief. However, I DO NOT want to ever get in that mind set. I want to be filled with ideas to ENJOY wonderful MOMENTS with my children because I have the opportunity to GET to be with them all day! So here's the info I have gathered:

1. Mix of Six: Oh the Summer we will have - She came up with the idea to make these wonderful lists filled with ideas of good things to enjoy during summer. Her categories are: Oh the Activities we can do, Oh the FOOD we will EAT, Oh the PLACES we will GO, Oh the CRAFTS that can be MADE, and Oh the SERVICE that can be DONE. You can purchase her lists for $1 or you can help your children fill the list with your help (this is what I did). I am planning on checking out this cool website for service opportunities and ideas: Just Serve Additionally, because my children are on the younger side, I am going to assign a category for each day of the week and let my children choose what we do off of that list for the day.

2. Screen Time Summer Rules- We haven't really needed to have set rules on these things during the school year because we really don't have that much free time, but in the summer I want them. I love the idea that we have SCREEN FREE DAYS, meaning only certain days of the week do my children even have access to IPADS, IPHONE games, TV, etc. I want my children to use their imagination, be creative, entertain themselves, and never need to rely on screens for entertainment. However, I am realistic and will have set days and a set amount quantity/time for screen days.

3.Polkadot Chair: Kids Travel Journal- I love this idea! My kids are young so I am going to include LOTS of cutting, and pasting of tickets, pamphlets, leaves, sticks, etc that we will collect during our travels. It is the perfect way to keep up on your kids writing skills and encourage them to share their thoughts. It is also going to keep my kids busy during the hours we will be on the road between destinations!

4. Thirty Handmade Days: Summer Binder- Reading Charts, Activity lists and more. I like this because it will let my kids have a personalized binder with things to do. I'll probably keep our binders more academic focused with reading charts, handwriting activities, printable I find online, etc.

5. Speaking of Reading- I did not find any summer reading programs that suited my children yet. My children are all on the young side, but I want to keep them reading so I am going to do my own Summer reading program with a point system to earn prizes like treats, legos, etc.

To be Continued.....

Friday, January 23, 2015

Seasonal Books: Love Day

I am really not into the commercial Valentines Day, but I am in to LOVE and teaching my kids to show love to those around you. Thus, the books I have collected for this time of year are love focused and not Valentines Day focused.

1. Plant A Kiss by Amy Krouse Rosenthal- About a little girl who plants a kiss and what happens as she shares it. Great discussion with my kids about love and sharing it!

2. The Kissing Hand by Audrey Penn - This is a classic.

3. The Biggest Kiss by Joanna Walsh - All the variety of kisses. 

4. Mama Do You Love Me? by Barbara M. Joosse - The little girl makes some bad choices, asks her mother if she will still love her, and of course we know the mothers reply. I love this book for my little rascal boys because it reinforces to them that even when they get into get into mischief I still love them.

5.I Love You Through and Through by Bernadette Rossetti Shustak- I LOVE this book for my littlest and my big Kinder. It talks about everything you love about your little one in a rhythmic pattern.

6. I Love You, Stinky Face by Lisa Mccourt - I tend to shy away from these books just because I don't really like derogatory words used in an affectionate way. HOWEVER, the "stinky face books" I have bought have all been very cute.

7.How Do You Hug a Porcupine? by Laurie Isop - Darling! Fun! Gets kids laughing and thinking; a perfect combo!

8. Who Loves the Little Lamb? by Lezlie Evans- This book is also on my 10 Amazing Children's Books 1st ed. and it  is a fabulous book about loving your children no matter what! You NEED to have it in your children's library!

9.Guess How Much I Love You? by Sam McBratney - A must for toddlers!

10. I Love You, Goodnight by Jon Buller and Susan Schade- " I love you like I love blueberry pancakes"- A child's interpretation of how much he/she loves someone.

Have fun getting your "love" books! Remember my tip for creating your children's library to help you get books for less.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Tip for Creating your Children's Book Library

A long time ago, I was a new mom wanting to collect books to one day have a library filled with good books to read to my children, share with others, and save for grandchildren. I began slowly, but starting with no books and each new book priced high (especially the good ones) my library wasn't growing to fast. I was told paperback books just won't last that well, but gave in to their cheap prices. ( I still buy some paperback.) I would splurg on a favorite or a book that was sure to be good, but then I discovered something new. I joined the Barnes & Noble Book Club* and while buying books took a chance on some used books that I could get free shipping on. The books came and I was pleasantly surprised at how NEW the "used" books looked.

Fast forward to now and I am a frequenter of Amazon and always click on the blue NEW or USED link under the amazon price. Many times I can get a used book for less than half the price of the original price and I have yet to receive a book I am displeased with the wear. I ordered many books this month and they ranged $4-$7 for classic hardbound books with shipping included.
Tip 1 for Amazon: I NEVER get anything less than USED- GOOD. Unless it is an out of print I NEED to have.
Tip 2 for Amazon: If you do buy from Amazon with Amazon as the seller and are a Prime Member, did you know you can get a $1 book credit every time you select a lower shipping speed. The best thing is that it doesn't always slow down my shipment. I know I am close to an Amazon distributing location so most of the time I still get it quick!

Another great option is Goodwill. Many of the used books I buy from Amazon come from Goodwill stores across the nation.

*Barnes & Noble Book Club is probably still a great option, and I do still go to their website to look for  hard to find books.
(My Book Worm)